kat katsma
writer • landscape designer
It's hard to pinpoint a single qualification or experience that best defines me. I do well with multi-tasking (even thrive). Love trying new things (love). And am possessed with the ability to get down to the nitty-gritty while keeping hold of the big picture. I thrive in creative, free-flowing environments, but know how to put my nose to the grindstone and strike action from thought.
I'm trained as a landscape architect and writer, and love the challenges both provide. Since an early age I've written stories on my own and with friends, which nurtured within me the ability to work with others to develop story ideas. These ideas enriched my mental space as I matured, nurturing a passion within me to develop into the world what I see in my head. This is what initially attracted me to landscape architecture and why I keep coming back—the challenge of balancing technical and creative skills to create spaces for people.
I learned so much while traveling and living abroad; not just about myself but about design, culture, and differing world views. There isn't a country I've visited that hasn't affected me for the better. When out of your element you discover who you are and what you want. And it is this time that helped shaped me into the writer and designer that I am today.
Thank you for your visit.